This download comprises the three intellectual outputs related to training. It includes the trainer's module, the learner's module and also the toolkit that can be used to improve the teaching / learning process.

This handbook proposes a Road Map to Greening and sustainability for schools. While greening and sustainability require an institutional commitment , it can be accomplished through a set of systematic steps. This guidebook lays them out for those that would like to adopt such strategies in their own campus.

Ever wondered how the global air pollution flow would look like if we were to see it in real-time? This is where AirVisual Earth comes into play. The founder Yann Boquillod created a 3D visualisation based on satellite date originating from mover 8000 monitoring stations to display global air pollution in real-time. One of the prime culprits of pollution is particulate matter (PM in short). Typically PM is followed by a set of digits denoting the size of matter in microns. Essentially, 1 micron is a 1000th of a mm. By comparison, bacteria ranges between 0.3 and 80 microns in size! Now refined particles of the order of PM2.5 are particularly harmful to human beings. because they are so small that they can easily penetrate into the human lungs. Additionally, they are so small that they can easily be dispersed through wind. The following 3D map shows how PM2.5 flows in real-time across the globe. You can tilt (by holding down the mouse button or dragging on the screen) to tilt the globe and you can also use your mouse scroll wheel to zoom in.

This utility allows you to gauge the amount of carbon dioxide released into the atmosphere as a result of your activities. A carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide and methane) that are generated by our actions. You can also compare how you fare against the average carbon footprint in your country.
If you would like to let us know about an event that is being organised near you and you would like to invite others to assist you make this a success you can create an event through the following link. You might also want to browse any existing events that are art
If you would like to let us know about an event that is being organised near you and you would like to invite others to assist you make this a success you can create an event through the following link. You might also want to browse any existing events that are art
Did you create a project related to greening in your organisation or institution? Would you like to disseminate information related to greening in general through an article? If you would like to have such content featured in the articles/projects section. Feel free to provide an attachment containing the article through the section linked below.